I am a 22-year-old male virgin. How do I get past the fact that my fiance didn't wait to have sex?
Is it possible for me to overcome my negative view of marriage?
I'm preparing for my second marriage. Which one of the SYMBIS books should we read?
I don't want a big wedding my my mother-in-law does. Should we stick to what we want or not?
My fiance doesn't want to do premarital counseling. How important is it?
My daughter and her fiance did not pass our church's premarital counseling. What side do I take?
My fiance fell in love with my best friend. Should I talk to either one of them again?
My parents are against marriage because my boyfriend got sick. What should I do?
My girlfriend is moving and I want to follow. Do I take the risk and hope it all works out?
How do I get my mother-in-law to let me plan my wedding without damaging our relationship?
How can I stay a challenge to my girlfriend so she won't get bored? Can it be sustained?
After 3 years of being in a relationship, it is ok to give him an ultimatum about getting engaged?
Is it True That Opposites Attract?
People Say We Marry Someone Like Our Mother/Father. How Do I Turn Off that Instinct if it's True?
Living Together Before Marriage? In Biblical days, My Fiance and I would be married. Differences?
Can you help me understand unspoken rules and expectations in marriage?
I'm 30 and he's 51. Is it possible to have a healthy marriage with an older man?
My fiance wants children and I do not. Is this something that should keep us from getting married?
We've known each other our whole lives. Our parents think we should date a year before marriage?
Can people of different religions and cultures have happy and successful lives together?
The girl I'm interested in is engaged! Now, we're both confused. What do we do?
When you're engaged do you tell your fiance everything from the past or spare their feelings?
We're newlyweds. My sister offered for us to move-in w/them for financial reasons. Should we?
My boyfriend wants to elope to avoid problems between families. Would this be okay?
Our pastor says we should wait to get married. Should we trust his opinion over our own?
My fiance has some sexual experience. I have none. I'm afraid i'll look like an idiot. HELP!